Sunday, 12 July 2009




I think this was the most saddest of episodes in Torchwood history. Even though I've only seen a few episodes from Season 1 and Season 2, it made me really depressed after seeing DAY FIVE.

I was devastated about Ianto Jones death! Shocked, sure, but really upset that he's dead! He was an AWESOME character and a brilliant partner to Jack! I cried so much... and especially when he said, 'Don't forget me...' I wished Jack would find a oxygen mask so he could at least try to get Ianto to live, but I knew that was impossible because he already breathed the poisonous air. :( It's going to be so sad if Ianto doesn't come back. I can't bear to see Jack in such a broken state.

I thought Gwen was very strong and courageous! She really kicked some ass and her relationship with Rhys is so beautiful I just want to cheer them both on for their awesomeness! :D

I really wished the Doctor (for those of you, which is very small, who don't know, The Doctor is an alien who can never die and has saved the Earth countless times from other invaders & dangers! :) Try checking out the TV series, Doctor Who!) the would appear with his infectious grin and save the day once again. But I knew that wasn't going to happen, especially since he's busy trying to save people from the Waters! (The new episode called 'The Waters of Mars' is scheduled to come out in November!)

Anyways, sorry, getting off-track again. 
Overall, I have mixed feelings about the five episodes. 

The first episode I liked very much! The taste of Torchwood again was something I've sorta missed and its always great to see the team back in business! :) The cliffhanger was excruciatingly creative! I loved Jack & Ianto's kiss! And I had to laugh when I saw Gwen's face when she knew she was pregnant! It was quite priceless, really! :) And Jack knowing first than Rhys! *giggles* The children were creepy, but somehow I've gotten used to their 'We Are Coming' after seeing the trailers a lot! o_O
I didn't expect Rupesh to betray Torchwood however, that was a shocker! (And a slightly pleasant one, cause I love evil surprises!) I was a little sad when he died though, he actually seemed like a good guy...

The second episode was just as thrilling! :D I always wondered what would happen if Jack got blown to pieces, he always seemed to die whole (e.g.- being shot everywhere, being elecrocuted, getting zapped, etc). Yeah, I know, I'm warped! But really, I was sorta curious! So I was kind of glad that Russel T. Davies answered my question! It was pretty freaky to actually see Jack some back to life after being blown up! I mean, that must've been mindblowing (pun intended, lol), what with all your, uh... body binding together again... That does sound rather gruesome.. o_O
I was laughing at how Ianto rescued Jack! :D That was very courageous of him! And Gwen! Her 'What the?!' was hilarious! :)

The third episode was an okay episode, not as much excitement as the two but still alright to watch! The part where the alien is in the plastic container was kinda creepy. Sorta reminded me of the crab creatures in Doctor Who's Season Three episode of 'Gridlock'! (They needed to breath smokey air and they were clamping their claws and stuff, which looked sort of similar to the ones the 456 had!) I guess I was starting to get a little impatient as to what the 456 wanted. :/
And I had the feeling that Clem was talking about Jack when he said, "That man..." I could just guess it, lol. :) And I was right in the end, when Jack came out and he's horrified by his appearance. The last part of the episode was terrifying however, when Jack said, 'I gave the children... as a gift."

The fourth episode was good at first, awesome in the middle where Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Rhys, Lois and Clem try to fight back with the government's plan, and horrified by the result of their resistance. I was sad when Clem died, but even more when Ianto suffered a fate that he should not have deserved. I wished he'd stayed alive somehow, maybe with Jack's kiss as a revival. But being RTD, he didn't come back to life. I guess its sort of a relief, though... somehow, Jack won't be there to see old age claim Ianto, and Ianto won't have to feel pain over dying... Even though it still hurts to see him dead.

The fifth episode was epic, but my numb senses after losing Ianto Jones hadn't recovered yet. And I think I just choked on my breath when I realized that Steven, Jack's stepson, was going to have to die in order to save the children of Earth. :( The part where Gwen and Rhys go visit Ianto's family was also terrible. It was like the same as seeing Ianto's funeral taking place (which, I know, hasn't happened, but I know I'll feel the same way anyway... D:). I feel so sorry for Jack. I want to hug him... He deserves more happiness!

Anyways, that's my collected thoughts on the five episodes!

I'd love to hear your thoughts! ;)
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